Sunday 15 May 2016

The way you dress makes the man.

We truly believe some guys are born to have great fashion sense, while some are not.

But not all hopes are lost if you are not.

Fashion, like almost everything else on earth, can very much be learnt.

One can start by browsing for menswear related videos on YouTube, do a simple search on Google and tons of articles will appear. There are also many websites such as dedicated to help guys improve their fashion sense by providing info on where to shop and what are the brands available to shop from.

Do note though, that all these are more for theory and can actually help cut that learning curve. However, much will only come from real life trail and error.

With that said, don't go out there and get the most expensive clothes to start building your men wardrobe. Start with slightly 'cheaper' brands or fabric, and work towards evolving your dressing game.